Friday, March 13, 2009


It cannot be denied that the financial crisis in USA has affected our Malaysia. The government has put in place 2 stimulus programs to spur economic growth and hope to lessen the tough impact that has befall most Malaysians. Our businesses are badly affected, many employees have had to sacrifice pay cuts and lower income. Some have lost their jobs and cannot find another job because vacancies are few. The government has provided many incentives to encourage business and job creation.

Prices of commodities, raw material and oil has fallen to new lows, creating cheaper cost of production and services. The price of industrial diesel delivered as at 16th March has fallen to RM1.1936 per liter but due to Government Sales Tax, implemented from November 2008, the price of industrial diesel is RM1.3900 per liter. The Government Sales Tax is RM0.1964 per liter. It is hard to understand why the Government needed to implement the sales tax which inevitably increased the industrial diesel price and effectively increase cost of production and services. What is the rational? On the one hand offering incentive and on the other hand collecting sales tax and increasing production costs.

During these difficult times, the Government should dispense with the Sales Tax.

Saturday, February 28, 2009


We are taught from young to save and save. Its a virtue. We save for a rainy day, so to speak. We save for our children's future. We save for our retirement. Its always save, save to be safe. Its always dollars and sens.....

Listen to the economists, the financial experts, analysts and advisers today and try to make sense of what they are saying. Spend, spend, spend are their fervent calls to create demand and stimulate the economy. Have they forgotten the proven saying, "Do not simply spend, especially when you do not have". Are they saying that the ordinary Malaysians should spend more by borrowing more, by applying for more credit cards, by buying more houses (even if you have only 1 wife, also never mind, prepare for the future lah), just spend and buy what you don't need. It is very important to just spend and stimulate the economy. You do not have money, you borrow, never mind how you are going to pay back, just borrow some more and everything will be fine when the economy is stimulated. Belakang kira lah. Make sense?

YES. It was how those financial experts in the USA did. They created so much business turnover the past few years by lending more and more to the sub-prime borrowers, do some packaging and sell it to the hedge fund managers and subsequently roped in the insurance companies and generously offered them a share of the hugely profitable business. Everybody was happy except the borrowers who cannot pay and there were too many that could not pay. Now there are BIG problems. Never mind. The US Government will bail the companies out. The CEOs and CFOs will not be shot, they do not have to go to jail. In fact, with the bail out they have access to more monies pumped in by their saviour Government. With these monies, they should be able to pay their bonuses for creating such a Good Idea. Never mind the balance sheet, eventually all will balance. If not, the Government will put in more monies and later pay the CEOs and CFOs retrenchment benefits and new people will fill in their positions. Its okay.

Still making sense to you? If NO, never mind lah. Just listen to those experts, spend lah! Spend the Dollar and forget about the sense. Its so simple and easy. Even my 12 year old child also know how to spend.

Friday, February 27, 2009


Many of our fellow Malaysians are already affected some way or other but our leaders are still in denial. Many other countries have launched remedial stimulus programs, yet we are still in the talking stage. All of us know that typically, there will be a long delay between the approving and the implementation stages caused by who will benefit more before the rakyat stands to benefit. Knowing all this and already knowing for sure who our next PM will be come March, it will be real beneficial to Malaysians at large if such stimulus programs be launched, say YESTERDAY.

Many Malaysians are crying out loud for our leaders from both political divide to put aside their political differences for now and focus their attention in helping our country to overcome this current financial nightmare. Now is the real time to show our MALAYSIA BOLEH spirit. The rakyat really need your clear and dedicated leadership to guide us in this very difficult period.

Lets all together cry out loudly (and mean it) MALAYSIA BOLEH

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


With the current financial problems faced by major financial institutions in USA and Europe, the consequential effects have reached our shore. For whatever reasons and reassurances by our leaders, it cannot be denied that many of our fellow citizens are affected one way or another. Many have had to endure pay-cuts, forgo bonuses and incentives, while the unlucky ones suffered job losses. Many businesses are faced with shortage of funds and cannot pay their creditors. Whether its ordinary Malaysians or businesses, many are crying and shouting aloud, NO FUND, NO FUND but yet our politicians continue to dabble on politics rather than address the problem.

It sure is NO FUN voting in these political leaders.

For those who voted for safety and security, it definitely is NO FUN when the leaders are fighting for position and have yet to really dwell on the problems on hand. "Its coming. We will announce a new mini budget soon" - WHEN? Until most Malaysians and businesses have dropped dead?

Similarly it ain't NO FUN voting for change. What change? Infighting for positions - sounds familiar? Plenty of Dallas and Dynasty showtime? We get that on TV. Change cars - that is a definite YES. Change State Government - Again YES. These are not the changes voters are seeking.

If in the USA, the Republicans and the Democrats can come together and worked to seek solutions, WHY CAN'T BN AND PR DO THE SAME?


Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Making sense of the on going episode after episode in our political arena needs a lot of common sense to understand or for that matter believe who or what is right. It is clear that sincerity is missing, while simple things are made to appear muddle and sensitivity of our fellow Malaysians ridiculed regularly. That's our political scenario today. Lets leave politics to the politicians and dwell on matters closer to home, our beautiful Bandar Botanic, Klang.

We purchased our houses in Bandar Botanic based on the attractions presented and marketed by the developer ..... the beautiful lake, the botanical garden, covered drainage, concealed electrical cables, good traffic system, etc, etc. Of course, all these came with a price, about RM20,000 to RM40,000 extra per unit compare with a neighbouring development and we are just comparing the unit cost only. The real price is the upkeep, repairs and maintenance of the facilities, without which such facilities will become a liability and a sore eye to our community.

In 2006, at a meeting with residents of Bandar Botanic, the then YDP of MPK had high praises for our beautiful lake and surrounding garden but ventured to mention his concern on the high upkeep, repair and maintenance costs when the facilities are handed over to MPK which do not have a budget for these facilities. Sadly, his comment has become a reality today and it is imperative and important for residents of Bandar Botanic and the Resident Association to be proactive in pursuing the respective authorities and the developer through its township management to resolve issues and problems that will continuously arise.

Residents will have a lot to complain and many shortcomings to raise but what the community really require are sincere, simple and sensitive collaboration by all concern towards resolving the issues and problems. In seeking solutions from the authorities, we will require lots and lots of patience. There will be many frustrated and disillusioned moments which we will have to endure but if we continue to push and pursue, eventually we will see the results. Sincere!

Residents must not be annoyed easily and refrain from making accusations on others for not doing anything or getting the desired results within a short time frame. There will be lots of differences in opinion or approaches but since ultimately all of us want the same thing - the betterment of our Bandar Botanic, we all have to be calm and hang in there. Simple!

In doing things, be it raising a grouse or in extending and renovating our homes, residents should be mindful that their extensions and renovation works do not encroached into their immediate neighbors boundaries. In beautifying our homes, we should ensure that our homes continue to blend into the neighborhood. Sensitive!